Technical Specifications
Width: 14HP
Height: 3U
Depth: 26mm with power connector
Power Consumption
+12V: 120mA
-12V: 10mA
+5V: 0mA (unused)
Sample rate: 48kHz
Hardware audio converters bit-depth: 24-bit
Internal processing bit-depth: 32-bit floating point
True Stereo Audio
High fidelity Texas Instruments Burr-Brown audio converters
Latency: 0.25ms
Knobs resolution: 16-bit (65536 distinct values)
CV Inputs
Voltage: ±5V (0..5V compatible)
Resolution: 16-bit (65536 distinct values)
Current distortion type, screen contrast and saver mode, TYPE and FAM CV ±5V or 0..5V options
16 sequences
8 steps, each step being a snapshot of all knobs and switches
All knobs options
Sequence length
Step reset mode